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5th September 2019

Systemic Coaching – delivering value beyond the individual

I am thrilled that Peter and I now have a publication date for our book, 19th December. In Systemic Coaching we explore what we need to do for coaching to deliver value to all the stakeholders of the coachee, including those they lead, colleagues, investors, customers, partners, their local community and also the wider ecology of the more-than-human world. Systemic Coaching contains key chapters on how to contract in various settings, how to work relationally, dialogically, and systemically, how to expand our own and others’ ecological awareness, how to get greater value from supervision, work with systemic ethics and expand our impact. We are lucky to have had contributions from many leaders and coaches around the world, and we hope the book will be an invaluable resource for coaches in practice and in training, mentors, coach supervisors, consultants and leaders, as well as HR and L&D. We are grateful to the many leaders, coaches and writers who have been kind enough to endorse the book. Copies can be pre-ordered through Routledge with a 20% discount using the code BSE19 or through other booksellers such as Amazon.

Systemic Coaching: Delivering Value Beyond the Individual takes coaching to a whole new level. It challenges coaches to raise their game further by focusing on the positive difference they are and could be making in the human and more-than-human world. I highly recommend this to coaches, mentors, supervisors and leaders.”
Dr Marshall Goldsmith, World-renowned business educator, coach and author

“This book is a passionate and persuasive appeal for the coaching community to keep the needs of the whole world rather than one person in front of us in the core of our philosophy. In the current state of the world, the values that the authors advocate are incredibly important for all of us, not only for coaches.”
Professor Tatiana Bachkirova, Director of the International Centre for
Coaching and Mentoring Studies, Oxford Brookes University, UK

“The central challenge of coaching has always been: who is it for: the person or the organisation they work for? At last, we have a clear-sighted view of where the answers lie. Hawkins and Turner understand the delicate and complex interplay between people and place and skillfully, wisely disentangle it. At its best, coaching makes organisations and the individuals in them smarter, braver, more alert and farsighted. It’s a lofty goal and never achieved without effort. But this book gets you started in the right place: knowing the ultimate destination.”
Margaret Heffernan, CEO and author, Willful Blindness

Category: Coaching, News and Events, Publications