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12th July 2020

What are coaches being called to do?

The Climate Coaching Alliance (CCA) is offering a free webinar on coaching and climate change on Monday July 20th. Find out more about the CCA as Alison Whybrow, Josie McLean and Eve Turner explore questions with you like what coaches are being called to contribute, individually and through their coaching in this rapidly changing world that includes the pandemic, climate change and ecological crisis. This follows the recent landmark joint statement on the crisis by five professional bodies: the Association for Coaching (AC), European Mentoring and Coaching Council (EMCC), Asia Pacific Alliance of Coaches (APAC), Association for Professional Executive Coaching and Supervision (APECS) and International Coach Federation (ICF).

So, what can coaches do? How might we engage with our clients in an ethical manner? You can register on the CCA website to obtain a Zoom meeting link for either 0900 AM BST (0800 UTC, 0100 PDT, 1800 AEST) or 1800 BST (1700 UTC, 1000 PDT , 0300+1day AEST).

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Category: Coaching, Education, Ethics, News and Events, Presentations, Virtual